

Screenshot of Website Code

Resume Website, 2020

I created this website over the summer and fall of 2020 as a COVID-19 quarantine project. All web-design and CSS is my own (with help from Bootstrap and some kind souls on stack overflow). The photos are my own as well.

(View it on Github)


Screenshot of Website Code

Resume Website, 2020

I created this website over the summer and fall of 2020 as a COVID-19 quarantine project. All web-design and CSS is my own (with help from Bootstrap and some kind souls on stack overflow). The photos are my own as well.

(View it on Github)

Video Games.

Screenshot of Website Code

Hose Your Daddy, 2020

A game made 48 hours for the 2020 Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam in collaboration with 4 others. The theme was "Out of Control." In this multiplayer game, two players attempt to push each other off a platform using only an out of control fire-hose. I contributed by programming the scoring systems, win/lose states, and menus for the game, using a scriptable-object based framework.

(Play it on
(View the code on Github)

Video Games.

Screenshot of Website Code

Hose Your Daddy, 2020

A game made 48 hours for the 2020 Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam in collaboration with 4 others. The theme was "Out of Control." In this multiplayer game, two players attempt to push each other off a platform using only an out of control fire-hose. I contributed by programming the scoring systems, win/lose states, and menus for the game, using a scriptable-object based framework.

(Play it on
(View the code on Github)


Procambarus, 528, 2017

An abstract simulation of how a film projector works using digital footage of a crayfish. Shot at Seafood City in St. Louis, MO.

Keifer Sutherland Frog King, 2018

A film about framerates using found footage and direct animation on 16mm film. Made at Mono No Aware Brooklyn.

Viagra Falls, 2019

A top-down 2-D cut out animation. Made at Mono No Aware Brooklyn.


Procambarus, 528, 2017

An abstract simulation of how a film projector works using digital footage of a crayfish. Shot at Seafood City in St. Louis, MO.

Keifer Sutherland Frog King, 2018

A film about framerates using found footage and direct animation on 16mm film. Made at Mono No Aware Brooklyn.

Viagra Falls, 2019

A top-down 2-D cut out animation. Made at Mono No Aware Brooklyn.